Paulo & Leticia

Paulo & Leticia

Ladies!! Are you tired of waiting on your man to pop the question? Well, this was not really the case of Leticia and Paulo. The first three times Paulo proposed to Leticia, she was just not ready yet. When she finally was ready, she was scared Paulo had given up. Leticia, an assertive go-getter from Brazil, saw an advertisement from Aruba offering the chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Aruba for women ready to propose to their boyfriends, and she took it as a sign.

It must have felt like destiny calling when she was informed that she had won the trip. Experienced back-packers, Paulo and Leticia always look for new destinations and things to see. A surprise trip did not seem strange to Paulo, so the happy campers got on the airplane and went on their next adventure.

Being experienced wedding photographers and videographers, having captured many proposals, we got to take the couple out on a tour around the island and capture “whatever” would happen. Paulo and Leticia always try to find new experiences on a budget, and to Paulo, participating in a video/photo shoot didn’t raise any suspicion.

When we arrived at our first location, a secluded beach on the north coast of Aruba, it was H-hour for Leticia. She walked up to Paulo with the rings in hand, asked him if he would marry her, and Paulo took his sweet loving time to register what happened. Once he fully comprehended what Leticia was asking him—that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, breaking all convention and proposing to him—he couldn’t hide the emotions!!

It is more than acceptable for a man to shed a little tear of joy at moments like this, right ladies?

The Aruba Tourism Authority, the organizer of this all, wanted to stimulate women to propose to their partners, breaking with all conventions and encouraging women to take control of their lives. That is why we love this particular story. We don’t see this nearly enough. Most stories of proposals and engagements in Aruba are of men proposing to their girlfriends/partners. We are sure more women are out there, ready to take control and just pop the question. It is more than acceptable in this day and age, and we support it fully!

Side note…have you guys seen those rings? With a map of the world engraved on them?!?! Are you kidding me?? How fitting is that for a couple that love traveling, always on the hunt for their next adventure? Well, Paulo & Leticia, we wish you all the best as you embark on the biggest adventure of all!
