
Chantal & Jackson

Chantal & Jackson

After postponing their wedding initially scheduled for May 8, 2020—TWICE—due to Covid-19, Chantal & Jackson finally tied the knot on Oct. 4, 2021, and wooooowwww what a day it was!

We built a strong relationship with the couple due to the fact that May 2020 was at the peak of the pandemic, bonding as we all navigated that strange time—and all the emotions of putting off the wedding—together. Of course, Chantal & Jackson were initially upset about needing to move their wedding date, and we were more than disappointed that we needed to wait to shoot this amazing couple. In the end, however,

Chantal and Jackson’s patience was rewarded on Oct. 4, 2021, as they finally kicked off their big day.

The couple chose our 5-hour package, which covers all the essentials of the wedding day. Our day of shooting the couple started pretty relaxed as we captured shots of the boys getting ready. Then the fun got started when a crazy groomsman broke the ice for Jackson by popping open a beer with his own wedding ring (for sure we didn’t tell Chantal about the example Jackson got from his buddy). In Chantal’s room, the ambiance was no different, with Chantal and the girls popping a champagne bottle and the volume of the music one notch higher. However, the overall vibe was laid back and relaxed, no detail was forgotten, and family members that unfortunately couldn’t make it were honored by charms on Chantal’s bouquet.

After the lovely couple said yes, we immediately started taking all the formal portraits. A list was provided in order to capture all family combinations, and with great teamwork (special thanks to the newlyweds), we managed to squeeze every last ray of light out of the sunset for the couple’s sunset/afterglow photo session. Once we made sure that we had their bridal photos, it was time to party! After performing some impressive choreography during their first dance, some of the groomsmen even did some breakdancing. Under the stars, the party continued as we captured all those beautiful, life-lasting moments. Worth the 17-month wait? Absolutely!